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Join date : 2008-09-22

Unbearable Empty
PostSubject: Unbearable   Unbearable Icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2009 2:00 am

THis isn't really a poem but w/e.

The canyon was wide and deep. The surface of the land was dark. Across the canyon shined a passing light. In the darckness the boy wavered on the edge, face twisted in thought. Atop his shoulders lay an evil beast. The beast was black and sluglike. A large darck mass big as a lion. Despite the massive wieght of the foul slug the boy kept his gaze on the light hovering beyond his reach. At times it seemed to be fading or moving out of sight. He had to get across but how. Fear rose within him and he wanted to cry out. His chest swelled and swelled with painful pressure but nothing escaped his mouth for the beast had sown the boy's mouth shut. The pain subsided and his chest relaxed. He could focus again. "Maybe I should jump." The beast, knowing the boy's thoughts began to laugh. "You will never make it I'm too heavy and you will fall into the canyon." The boy was afraid and did not believe so he accepted the beast's words and suffered another episode of wanting to burst with grief. "What can I do!" the boy shouted in the darckness of his mind. More laughs from the beast, another episode and a period of lasting pain. The beast seemed to get hevier with each episode. "A bridge!" the boy thought in derperation, "I could build a bridge across!" The boy didn't need to hear the beasts laughter to drop theis plan. He himself believed that there was no hope to build a bridge, he did not have the skill let alone the meterials. More pressure. More pain. The boy fell to his knees his head swaying with wrestless want. "it could come here." quietly thought the Boy, "the light could come to me maybe." The beast burst with uncontrolable booming laughs "YOU! Come to YOU!" The beast shouted in the boys ear, "The light will NEVER come to you!" The laughter intencified and rang in the boys head. The boy fell to his knees where they broke open on the jagged earth. Bile rose to the boys mouth and his chest swelled larger than ever befor. Larger and larger until at last the boy's mouth burst open ripping its bonds wide and a cry like none other flooded from the boys ggaping mouth. "HOW THEN!" The boy lashed out in a screaming sobs, "HHHHOWWWW!! HOW!!! HOW!!!! HOW!!!! HOW SHALL I CROSS TO THE LIGHT!" WIth each scream the beast grew smaller, deflating like a baloon until it was the size of a mouse and its voice was but a soft wisper. As the boy lay sobbing and gasping in a pool of his own blood and bile, tear spilling across his face. Across the canyon the light faded away and became but a memory burned into his minds eye leaving the boy destroyed in the darckness.
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Posts : 337
Join date : 2008-09-22
Age : 33
Location : Albuquerque, NM

Unbearable Empty
PostSubject: Re: Unbearable   Unbearable Icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2009 5:02 pm

I like it a LOT. I've got some like this that I'm gonna put in the short stories section, I think they'd fit better there.

Do you guys want me to fix your spelling?
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