'Burn!' I scream in a blast of rage.
I am more than a beast within this cage.
Kerouac got at least one thing right.
My fire is brighter than white
Hotter than heat
Bigger than life
My Fire!
I have a fire not on top of the hill
But down in this dungeon,
Licking the walls and breaking the bars,
Healing my own scars,
Reaching for midnight stars and
Distances too far to reach with mortal hands!
You put the fire in this man's hand, You Prometheus of heaven's grace.
Except you were punished by we who shared your face
Instead of by the gods
Against all odds
You freed us, now lead us
With the righteous, rampant wildfire of God's might and grace
Love so bold it breaks through your shell of a heart
Hits the restart
Your life is beating again!
And do you know why? He is Risen!
So I shout 'Burn!'
I want to see some souls on fire
Bringing His dawn, lighting His world,
Hearts that never shatter, hands that never tire!