This poem is very unorthodox and sporadic, but it rhymes. Works best when spoken aloud. I originally wrote this in one big paragraph.
Now I don’t know where I’m heading,
the necessity of the rhyme caught me dreading
the direction of the dirge I was singing.
I don’t want to complain or act better than you, I just want to give an image of the ideas in my mind, that flit and flutter like the flap of falcon wings
so I can’t get a clear view of the necessary things.
It’s hard to find a way to paint a picture with words but this I love and I love through this
and its my response to the creation that inspires a kiss,
and a fist,
and I’m missing you Lord, although I’ve never seen Your face;
it’s the legacy of humanity that spurs me to the chase
of making beauty like Your beauty and mystery like Your maze,
the puzzle of this universe that you left us behind, although our curse is rampant on the Earth, still you can find
that beautiful unknown at the peaks of mountains, or in deserts and skies;
where the water banters through the brook, there my mind flies.
It’s bittersweet but so is everything else in this place
so I’ll work to make it clearer and more sweet than bitter
until the day that you return and start the end of all days.
This I pray,
and through the day I hope my pen can paint the rhythm of a beating heart,
and I hope the song that I am thumping tells the good news from the start.
Let my existence be the pencil that etches upon the world, and sketches the image of You and Your amazing love. Can’t you see how huge this is?
Bigger than ‘My country tis’
or angels, halos and clouds, smiling, singing He is risen!
It’s the bare tree in winter time, blue sky of June,
the hands of my brothers and sisters, a sleepy room
on a snowy day, blankets rumpled, shades drawn,
lamp on,
good book on the table. It’s all the myths and fables
ever invented or wrote,
it’s existence itself, and so much more that I’d be smote
out of annoyance just for the fact that we don’t have all day to show and tell. He is everything. Evil is a choice,
it cannot own because it only destroys.
Now my voice is tired and I think this rant is too,
just understand all that I have to and desire to do.
I’ll put to pen and voice and action everything You want me to,
because You are everything, and all is right in You.